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    • #7845
      Graham – Admin

      Everyone has flaw/s.. what is yours?.

      The lines between “normal” and “disabled” are narrowing fast. It’s great that truly disabled are gradualy becoming accepted as ‘normal’. Conversely ‘normals’ are becoming ‘disabled’. So what do you think is your disability?.

      I have so many flaws. Umm. my smile is crooked.. my heart is to big.. beer.. perception of emotional depth.. I’m a user.. grumble bum.. tight arse.. can’t take compliments.. have a flat tyre.. I’ll build on my list if you do.

      C’arn.. fess up people.

    • #11805
      Mish Mash

      For a long time I thought I was perfect.. didnt have flaws.. guess what Im human :)

      I too have a big heart ( could be a flaw) that can be taken advantage of, and used by people, so have learnt from that.
      Ego is a hard one, have to keep that one under control a lot. a good red will get me into trouble…
      Keep too much inside, put myself last,
      when I think of some more I ll let you know. These are the interior flaws.
      the exterior flaws.. hmm Nah Im happy with what Ive got.

    • #11806

      Flaws …ok if I had to say what mine are the worst one would be that iam too stubborn but then again it pays sometimes to be stubborn, makes you dig your heels in and standup for your rights.
      The walls around my emotions are very high and very thick but really is that a flaw? or just self preservation.

      There are many more but we werent born with the flaws, lifes experiences have moulded them into being, so to me they arent flaws at all and we should just accept everyones differences as just that lifes experiences

    • #11807

      Hmm I got a million. Number one at the moment would be this terrible rash I picked up while white water rafting with some sweedish backpackers a rabbit and something called smack ice.

    • #11808

      Hmmmm, how much room do we have here to write??

      I’m very indecisive – usually only about little decisions like where to go for dinner, what brand of knickers to buy, what clothes to wear for a particular occasion.

      I also have a tendancy to get grumpy easily – I’m very easily insulted.

    • #11809
      Graham – Admin

      Hairy ears.. I was told today… AGAIN. (restrained from commenting).

    • #11810

      Hairy ears hey – a good pair of tweezers will fix that problem.

    • #11811
      Graham – Admin

      No way !!. I’m going to turn it into an attractant. When it’s long enough I’ll comb it over my fat bald head. Problem solved. Hey.. do they still sell Bryill Cream?. I better stock up.

    • #11812

      Ohhh yeah !!!!!

      That will be spectacular – can you post us all a photo of that?

    • #11813

      Hey besides the photo I want to play with the Bryill Cream. Please can I put it on your hair and ears ? lol :)

    • #11814
      Graham – Admin

      Sick puppies… :crazy: hmm more flaws coming out?. :)

      May take 30 yrs + to grow it long enough. So don’t get your hopes up. :P

    • #11815

      ummmm flaws or fun flaws or fun flaws or FUN lol sounds to me more fun then a flaw

    • #11816
      Mish Mash

      Ooo.. Hope theres no ear wax sitting on all those hairs…….

    • #11817

      I’ve got ISSUES – yep I know hard to believe. No filter is one – I’ve gotten better at this with help. Not totally aware of others feelings. Think twice – think twice – before answering yea don’t do that enuff (refer to the filter thingie). My intake to urine output ratio is def not right. I have fear of rejection/trust issues which doesn’t really go well with the SCI.

      Just off the top of my head

    • #11818

      Interesting topic. Let’s see, I am a procrastinator and I can be lazy. I have a fear of being abandoned yet sometimes I enjoy being by myself, in a quiet space, for hours. I give too much and have a hard time saying no. I am a bundle of contradictions but I am a truly loyal old soul who gives 150% to the people I love and work that interests me. Flaws are what make us unique so they are not always negatives…

      Yes, the lines between able bodied and on are quite blurry and the definition/perception of disability is continually changing. Barriers are coming down as education spreads and people have more access to communication, hence education. Stereotypes are being dispelled which is fabulous! There is still a long way to go but progress is being made. I am always a work in progress…

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