Article Submission
- By: Graham - Admin
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Create and submit compelling popular articles to our website.
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That’s it! We will set you up so you can get writing. Best of all it’s 100% free!
Article Submission Guidelines
We attribute you as the author. Your name and some profile info will appear on any approved article submission. This makes it easy for people to find and read all your articles. They will also be more likely to comment on your articles if there is a name to respond to.
You will be able to tweak your content, add media, spellcheck, and use our SEO tools to ensure your article is popular in search engines and try to write at least 300 words.
You don’t need to need to read the rest. It’s just good advice.
Article Titles and Sub Headings
SEO friendly page titles (article titles) should contain the topic keyword phrase and be between 40 and70 characters long. We wrap article titles and sub headings in <h1> etc tags. And do all the pretty stuff before posting your story.
Heading tags are not of major search engine ranking value, but they do totally make sense and every edge counts. Article titles and sub headings draw search engines and the readers attention. It suggests it is important information.
The URL (link) to the article should also contain the page title. Italics, uppercase, exclamation points, bold text, quotation marks etc should only be used around your keyword phrase and topic relevant content.
Organise content under sub headings. Keep them short and clear. The paragraph below sub headings should be attention grabbing with relevant information including the keyword phrase. Where possible also include the keyword phrase and or sub heading in the paragraphs that follow them. For example look at the sub heading this is under “Article Titles and Sub Headings” has h2 tags around it. The first sentence is relevant to “article titles” and includes that term in italics. The complete sub heading “Article Titles and Sub Headings” appears in the paragraph twice. And in case you missed it, it features twice again in quotation marks in this paragraph.
Body of Content “Copy”
The body of content known as the “copy” is the main content of any article. We suggest a 300 word minimum body of content “copy” for your article submission to be published. It may be a personal story on how you came to be in a wheelchair, a sporting activity you participate in, or enjoy watching, or simply a long question. While we suggest you follow all our article submission guidelines it is not a requirement to do so.
You do not need to be an expert on “Wheelchair Gardening” to write about wheelchair gardening. Our website is primarily about wheelchair adventure, wheelchair life, disability and spinal cord injury. And so, we mostly publish content relating to these subjects. It is unlikely you will read an article on dog grooming here, unless of course it is “Dog Grooming Helper Pets” for wheelchair users. In this way we publish on a very broad range of subjects. We encourage medics, manufacturers, personal care workers, and family and friends of wheelchair users and other disabilities to submit articles.
Write With Keywords in Mind
Using your resources as a reference keep your topic “wheelchair gardening” in mind. Include that and other “keyword phrases” people searching for your article may type into search engines. Use these terms frequently throughout your article paragraphs. Search engines like a 1 to 3% keyword seeding, which means the keyword phrase should appear once (or 3 times max) per every 100 words or so in your article. You may use a word processor to list keyword frequency or a simple online tool like
Research Your Subject
Google it, copy paste relevant sections of text that you find appealing into a text editor. Make a list of websites and sources as you research your article submission. In the case of our example “Wheelchair Gardening” think about tools, raised garden beds, extended handle pruners, disability friendly taps and irrigation. You might consider the plants beneficial to wheelchair users, mint, cranberry, oranges, chili etc. Think about the emotional impact. The risks and pleasure that gardening brings. Think inside and outside of the box when you research your subject.
Look for popular You Tube video and images to insert. Scan leaflets, include various files, and any supporting documents. Look in the phone book and call a few experts on the subject. In our “wheelchair gardening” case this might be hardware stores, plant nursery’s, disability service providers, tree cutters and landscape suppliers that offer disabled wheelchair users concessions and discounts.
Most experts will offer free advice and may even give you an interview. Tell them about the website you hope to be published on. Gather SEO rich content and generate traffic all at the same time! Now that’s what I call Google candy. In short time you will have a solid info base.
Call to Copy Images

A good article submission includes call to copy images. They call visitors and search engine to come and enjoy your article copy (content). More than eye candy, images are sugar on the lips of readers, and fuel in a search engines belly. If you want images to draw attention don’t upload them as DSC6287.JPG. Rename image files to be relevant to your article. Use your article keyword phrase in at least one image name. Also include it in that images alt tags. If it links to a larger full size version of the image, use title tags too. Good keyword related text before and after an image will further maximise the SEO sweetness.
Copyright Consent
If it is copyrighted content you must seek consent to use it. We are constantly surprised how many are willing to share their work if only you ask them for written permission first and attribute the source. eg: photo courtesy of We do not support nor condone theft. We take copyright law very seriously. All our articles and content are original works or have approval for use. If you find material on our website you believe to be in breach of copyright law please bring it to our attention.
Article Submission Terms and Conditions
Please read the full document carefully before accessing or using our article submission service and web site. You must agree to not use our article submission service for any fraudulent, illegal, malicious or deceptive activity. While we endeavour to prevent such activity, we accept no responsibility for the use or abuse of our article submission form or any site services or any liability, resulting problems or damages arising from herein. Our article submission form is an online information service provided free of charge by It is subject to your compliance with our Article Submission Terms and Conditions site wide.
By accessing and using our article submission form, and our website, you agree to be bound by all our Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by our Terms and Conditions, you may not access or use our site. may modify this agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified agreement on the site. You agree to review our Terms and Conditions agreement periodically to be aware of such modifications and your continued access or use of the site shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of the modified agreement.
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