The adoption of children with extensive special needs has emerged as a viable option to institutionalization. Stature and wealth are not always beneficial in adoption of special needs children, experience and flexibility are.
Category: Spinal Cord Injury Articles
Informative medical information on spinal cord injury hospitalization, wheelchair life, and living with a disability from people who have been there.
As children are active climbers 35% of pediatric spinal cord injuries are caused by falls compared to 22% in the adult population. Treatment is highly individualized, dependant on the childs age, severity of spinal and cord damage, and other injuries the child may have incurred. When spinal surgery is required a child’s future growth and development must first be considered.
Some of the best parents you will ever meet are wheelchair users. Biological or inherited their children are well balanced high achievers, compassionate problem solvers, open and accepting of cultures outside their own. Parents with spinal cord injury make strong leaders, educators, dedicated and loyal to their partners in life and love.
Interviewed live on Phoenix Radio Graham Streets talks about life in a wheelchair after spinal cord injury and his battle to secure disability housing carers and funding to enhance quality of life after disability. Listen along to our six minute audio stream as Graham, Simon and Suzanne discuss rehab, respite, housing, carers, funding, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
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