Autonomic dysreflexia also known as hyperreflexia occurs when a strong sensory impulse is sent via the spinal cord to the brain evoking a massive sympathetic reflex. Common to spinal cord injury above T6 level (such as quadriplegia or tetraplegia) dangerously high blood pressure levels warrant the symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia be investigated and treated immediately…
Category: Spinal Cord Injury Articles
Informative medical information on spinal cord injury hospitalization, wheelchair life, and living with a disability from people who have been there.
Loss of muscle function, poor circulation and often poor nutrition cause people with spinal cord injury to develop pressure areas or pressure sores (bed sores). Left unattended these can quickly become life threatening. The best way to heal a pressure area is to stop putting pressure on it. Fast healing of a pressure sore can be aided by…
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