Movie studios employ dozens of CGI (Computer Generated Image) artists who toil for years to produce a two hour movie like Avatar. It can take months to learn how to use complex NURBS 3D modeling programs. Here are a few of my 3D disability modeling creations.
Tag: disability equipment
Guidelines for wheelchair service delivery systems that provide and improve access to manual wheelchairs. Great strategies for wheelchair provision, as well as user instruction and care. The important link between the user and the wheelchair.
Changing supra pubic catheters can be a daunting task. I have guided many through a suprapubic catheter change over 16 years. Take a deep breath and relax. Here is both our 3 step emergency guide and easy to follow 10 step guide on how to safely change a supra pubic catheter.
A bladder washout is a technique used to flush blood clots or debris from the bladder by pushing solution into the bladder and immediately draining. A bladder washout may also be performed when unable to drink enough fluids, or to rid the bladder of certain urinary tract infections.
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