Tegan Crick – Every Mothers Day
- By: Graham - Admin
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Tegan Shares Her Story
I was meant to go and see Mum but we decided to go bush bashing first. Me and my boyfriend were in the back of a four wheel drive. It was great fun for awhile then things just got out of hand. The last thing I remember was my boyfriend yelling at the driver to slow down. Then I woke up in hospital a C5 paraplegic.
I Knew Things Were Serious
My parents were really upset. They told me I’d never be able to walk again. I have some use of my arms and hands. Now I need a helper to come to my unit to help me shower.
Life as a Paraplegic

I had started a hair dressing apprenticeship and absolutely loved it. But that’s just not a possibility anymore. I also used to love going out dancing. I still go out sometimes if I know it’s not going to be too crowded. I get a reality check when I see people dancing and think, ‘Yeah, I used to do that.’ People look at me differently now. Treat me differently. They feel sorry for me. I’ve lost friends who just don’t know what to say to me. I think, ‘It’s just me. Not me in a wheelchair.’
Tegan Crick
Queensland Department of Transport Campaign
Share your story at the Queensland Transport Department road safety website. Spread the message to slow down think twice and don’t drive tired. A spinal cord injury can happen in a split second. One choice can change your life forever.
Hi Tegan. I read your story today. I have just got out of hospital. I am now a c5 tetraplegic as well. would love to get in touch with you.. Tim
Hi Tegan, The advert I see you in makes me feel I want to give you a big hug. You seem such a beautiful person inside and out and I am sure your mother doesn’t feel you ruined her day at all as she would love you unconditionally as I love my own kids. (I have 4). I hope you have a wonderful life and please remember others are thinking of you. Steve XXOO
hey tegan, i doubt you’ll actually read this but i guess its worth a shot, but today i sorta met/listened to your story and i just wanted to say how much it actually meant to me that someone so similar to me could have something so tragic happen to them. but you might remember me from today at the that chandler place, i was that dumb shit that said you dyed your hair after everyone realised you were the girl off that add. anyways thanks for the making want to do something with my life and i hope that you enjoy the rest of yours. thanks, ryan (: ps. sorry if i was rambling on a bit its just you really touched me with your story.
Tegan Crick’s extended video clip on YouTube
wow, I think she still is a beautiful girl, but I can understand I’m in a wheelchair too.
hey tegan im aaron
im kinda new to this site
but i saw your story and i find it heartbreaking
i myself have a similar story i also had a vehicle accident which has left me a c5/6 quadriplegic i understand how you feel having such a tragic accident and also on mothers day i myself had my accident on fathers day what a gift to give to a mother/father aye
take care god bless
People that you think are your friends are the ones that pull a dissapearing act when you have a life changing disability. I had a dozen people I hung around with before M.S. put me in this chair, today only one of them is still around, and man that guy is worth more to me than all the gold in the world. I now this site is dedicated to SCI but there are several diseases that will put me in the same boat with SCI. Primary progressive M.S.is one of them. The big difference is that injuries happen all at once and this disease is turning me into a quad over time. Left leg, then right leg, now right arm is numb. Most people cant stand to witness the changes so they move on. A true friend is one that will be there for you thru the thick and thin,no matter what happens to you.
u are ver pretty
Tegan please reach out to me