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- This topic has 29 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by
July 5, 2003 at 04:01 #7698
GuestHello and Welcome to our Forum I am one of your friendly moderators – Madspaz.
Nearly one third of the population has some form of disability. So many people were asking us questions through the Madspaz Club Website we thought it would be useful to put up a Forum where people can ask for help 24/7 as there are very few elsewhere on the web The Spinal Tap Forum was born. Sign up and tell us about yourself. Memberships are growing everday we have some great people here and would like hear from you.
When you register at our Forum make a post to avoid being suspected as a spammer and deleted.To keep our forum junk free, lean and running fast we occasionally delete users beyond a certain age with 0 posts. We realise a few legitimate users get swept up with the spammers in the process but the advantages to users outweigh the disadvantages. You can avoid the possibility of being deleted simply by making your first post or post-reply.
February 18, 2012 at 12:07 #8331
ParticipantHello ~ Just joined ~ still trying to find my way around and settle in 8)
February 18, 2012 at 22:25 #8332
ParticipantHi and thank you for the warm welcome …I just got into this site and looking around today ,seeing what I can find to read and how close some of the problems people are having are comming to my way of living..Since I’m a C-6/T-3 Quad for over 20 years now.Thanks again
September 28, 2012 at 14:13 #8333
ParticipantHello and thank you for the welcome,
I joined after my friend Deb Larkin told me about this, I am Pete a 40 year old C4/5 quadriplegic man living in England. I broke my neck 22 years ago in a car crash coming home on leave in the Army, I’m a nice guy, genuine and I hope to contribute and make some good friends on here.
Thanks ever so much,
September 28, 2012 at 22:09 #8334
Participantwelcome to the forum… make new friends, ask questions, chat and have a laugh. Look forward to meeting you
October 29, 2012 at 00:55 #8335
ParticipantHi all, I stumbled across this site yesterday and have enjoyed having a read. I’m a T1 incomplete quad (apparently) and have been for the past 27 years. I’ve had the usual bladder issues and what not but with maybe a different solution to most on here in that I opted for the augmentation. Hopefully I can add my two cents to some of the posts in the future :)
April 1, 2013 at 21:38 #8336
ParticipantHello to MadSpaz founders and newbies to the forum,
Thank you for the really pleasant welcome. I joined a few months ago but never had the confidence to put words down, but happy enough to read others post and the moderators common sense approach. So I thought I would take the plunge and feel safe to do so with this forum :hot:
Hope to read some good info from members and how to get some tips to keep moving forward through one’s way of life, now with finally a Proffesional (who does say it how it is) without not doing so, advising why my steady changes in my body of what they are and where from. Meaning incomplete paralysis from what was a wicked water ski accident 15 years ago. But alas it was in a “biscuit” not that graceful to be on on thin blades likewater skies.
Anyway over here in Australia our government is going to be trialling a new disability insurance scheme and I really would be interested in hearing others 1 Understanding on this, 2. How and if other countries receive support for disabilities. Even though I live in Canberra ( capital of Aust and where Parliament sits) I really am unable to grasp what it really is in depth about. But am nervous as my disabilty does require a powered wheelchair and all that is required for life’s care and how things will chance in regard to assistance in the financial and practical way.
Anyway please don’t take me as a rambler :silence: as I am more a listner and really look forward to more readers in taking the plunge and being part of a forum.
My motto is simple “Keep moving forward, because now I can” :P -
May 17, 2013 at 00:33 #8337
ParticipantI just happened to run across this website by accident…….maybe destiny. I’ve been a C5/C6 Incomplete Quad for about seven years now due to a motor vehicle accident, as you all may know, what a humbling experience. Had to give up my Engineering/Aircraft career as well as racing, flying, weight training, pert near everything, but decided to never say never with my new life. I still love to have my hair on fire when I can. I stay fit, workout six days a week and push my manual chair 2-4 miles a day. Looking forward to sharing stories and experiences (before and after). Would love to find women that understand our situations to make friends with……most of the others out there just don’t get it.
Thanks and Happy to be here………..
August 24, 2013 at 07:43 #8340
ParticipantI had posted this in the forum as a new topic then figured it might better go here so I’m reposting it.
an oldie but a newbie
Postby legless » 24 Aug 2013
Hi Graham and Mad Spazzers.Well I’ve been in a chair since an bike accident in 1977 which resulted in an injury to T3/T4/T5 but am functionally complete T4. To say it’s a life-changing event is never an understatement but I was young and resilient and realised early on that I was luckier than many other people were in many ways. Physically I still had full use of my arms and hands and I had the overwhelming support of my family and good friends.
I was an electrician at a Coal mine before my injury but mines tend to not be too accessible. I’ve studied very things since and worked for many years doing CAD work (CAD manager and network support) in the Railway Signalling industry. I’ve studied anatomy and physiology, electronics and done some engineering.
I moved to Brisbane after getting out of hospital and have lived here ever since. Had some health issues in recent years (getting old is a bitch). Never married. Terrible at dating, but always was, though I keep hoping there’s someone out there.
So I’m oldie to the life but a newbie to the board. Be gentle with me. Anyone who’d like to chat say “hi”.
August 24, 2013 at 10:32 #8338
Graham – Admin
KeymasterHi legless, welcome to the forum. I had my own electrical contracting company. As you can imagine quadriplegia made that line of work near impossible. Now I do small business and corporate accounting. What do you do in your spare time?
August 25, 2013 at 06:07 #8339
ParticipantHey Graham. I enjoy the usual social things when possible such as dinners out and movies. I build little things, try to make replica movie and TV props mostly from sci-fi type shows, dabble with some electronics. I’m looking to get a hand-cycle after I get a couple of surgeries done. Getting too fat and it’s hard to shift at my age. I’d like to go do some German classes and improve my feeble Deutschesprache.
January 4, 2014 at 09:29 #8341
New to site, been t10/l2 Inc. para since ’83 – I was 23 at the time.
I am 54 now still don’t feel that much different then I did then except heavier.
Fully independent and I like being alone.
Going to move to Washington State in the Spring to take advantage of legalized marijuana use.
I self medicated with this till ’06 and missed it ever since. Just putting it out there not looking for validation.
January 7, 2014 at 19:26 #8342
ParticipantHi Daroc,
Welcome to the forum -
September 19, 2014 at 04:21 #8343
I’m new and I’m having trouble accessing my settings to change my photo, when I click in an option that appeared under the title “Mad Spaz Club Free Membership” it sent me to my profile info for the WP account I had to create to post in the article a “View from the chair”.Thank you for your help.
September 20, 2014 at 04:13 #8344
ParticipantI just found out where those options are. :)
May 24, 2015 at 07:57 #8345
ParticipantHowdy everybody, OK so I’m new here and hers my bio in a nutshell. I’m a 39 year old T7 para.been a para bout twenty years from a car wreck when I was 21. I live in east Lyme Connecticut. I live alone, I have a van with a lift, I got decent in house lift equipment and bed etc. Kickass home care and giving the hand I’m dealt I’d say I’m living a pretty good life. I’m here on a search some help in my personal love life… Let’s just leave it at that till I get somewhere more appropriate. Lookin to meet the meat n potatas of the forum community. Maybe end up a regular. I’ve had lottsa forum experience and its all about the user base so let’s hope I get along with yas :-)
September 19, 2021 at 10:21 #16122
ParticipantDoes anyone post here? I was so happy to find this forum as I really need advice. ?
September 22, 2021 at 19:17 #16124
Graham – Admin
KeymasterSure WantHim, what is it about?
September 27, 2021 at 10:28 #16125
ParticipantHi! Just trying to learn more about approaching a relationship with someone who is a 30+ year paraplegic.
September 28, 2021 at 11:38 #16126
Graham – Admin
KeymasterIt can be awkward at first not knowing what to say, how to act. just be yourself and treat them like you would any other person. Take your time. If you have any questions we’re happy to help.
September 28, 2021 at 15:28 #16138
ParticipantOur situation is very complicated! Potentially too much so to go into here. Should I begin a thread in another category? I will go look now to see if I can find an appropriate place.
September 29, 2021 at 19:52 #16139
Graham – Admin
KeymasterThat is very considerate of you, thank-you.
Here is a good place Personals-Wheelchair-Dating
We would love to hear all about it!
September 29, 2021 at 21:51 #16140
ParticipantThanks so much. He blew me off this morning. I am so confused and beyond hurt. I thought we were really gaining ground and he was starting to really care then one night of texting where I didn’t feel like playing games and basically said so and he threw me out like the trash. He originally approached me via text and was relentless in his pursuit. After two plus years, I finally gave in to him and tried to meet his needs to the point of losing my own values. I was totally vested in the relationship. We had a very intimate meeting a week ago but were interrupted so things didn’t quite get completed but he was as very happy and I was on cloud nine. I got to show him how much I care for him. Yesterday I was trying to find out if we could meet again soon. He kept being sly and avoiding the question. Finally I’d had it and asked him to just answer the question and quit playing me. He abruptly said goodnight and went offline. I’ve been up all night. I wrote an apology text taking the blame as I always do… he read but got the first time EVER, did not respond. I called and it went to voicemail! Never had that happen before! ??
September 29, 2021 at 22:58 #16141
ParticipantP.S. I could really use someone… a man first and a paraplegic man even better to email me!!! I need to pick your man brain!!! I’m devastated and on the verge where I’m not sure what to do. More, nothing, have I already said and done too much??? Why????
September 30, 2021 at 19:16 #16145
Graham – Admin
KeymasterRead through similar posts here and you will see a pattern. It is common, for men especially, to shy away at the first and often subsequent intimate encounter. Best thing you can do is step back. Back off and give him time to decide what he really wants. You owe this to yourself. Trust me, it is better to know his true intentions now than grow closer only to fall apart in a year or two. This is your chance to show him your life is not a game, not some toy for him to play with.
You did not need to apologize. I believe you knew that but did anyway, why? He will see that as weakness. Imagine your best friend sitting on your shoulder. Or a mini version of you. What would they tell you to do? I believe they would want the best for you.
Give him space. Wait for him to contact you. If he doesn’t then you dodged a bullet. If he does be strong and lay down your terms. Keep the ball in your court. Then you can decide how and when to return it.
October 2, 2021 at 14:30 #16146
ParticipantThank you so much! He actually did contact me not too long after I freaked out! His phone was off so he didn’t reject my calls! He wasn’t making excuses (I hope/ think) he said he had a busy next couple of weeks and wouldn’t be able to meet.
I have to explain a bit about his situation to give you a clearer picture. He has been separated for nearly two years and has had to move back in with his mother as she has a ground level fully accessible room that was prepared after his accident 30 years ago. Also it didn’t make financial sense to rent somewhere when his mom was more than happy to her “boy” back home ! ?
We have only been back in contact for a couple of months! From what he has “shared” which is very minimal and like pulling teeth, is that his wife and he hadn’t had a sexual or intimate relationship in years and never really as satisfying as he had hoped for / wanted / needed.
Although he doesn’t typically contact me first, he does get back to me pretty quickly most of the time. I feel like he has his pride and insecurities for sure. He even admitted a while back about performance anxiety. I explained that it’s been a long time for me as well and largely because being in my 50’s well things don’t perform quite like a few years back! I knew there was still more so I did my research but really already knew most of what he has to deal with daily! Not long ago, I told him that I knew and understood and he could quiz me if he’d like. I also mentioned some other things that I believed about his personality, routines, and some feeling type things about us without saying too much. He said “I would say that’s probably pretty accurate “. I was thrilled with that response!!
We don’t talk about future plans, etc. but at the beginning he was very adamant that he was not looking fir anything “permanent”. Of course he isn’t legally available yet anyway. I’m not looking at marriage either… but I would love a committed long-term relationship at least. Who knows the future but I just know that I’m crazy about him and don’t want to lose what we have!
I do wish he would open up more but he is so guarded. He freaks over any topic or comment such as “ serious” or “we need to talk” etc…. I have to choose my words carefully. Also he does not give compliments other than emoticons but no hearts!! The word “love” would send him into cardiac arrest! Lol!!!
I’ve been advised on a general men’s forum that he is simply wanting a sexting buddy but why would he meet me even just for a few minutes on his way home after work? He has to drive 2 hours each way!!! You can imagine how exhausting that is for him. It breaks my heart and I worry so much about him! ?
So this is long and I will stop here. Any input greatly appreciated!!
November 16, 2023 at 23:00 #16437
ParticipantThank you
November 17, 2023 at 00:59 #16438
November 17, 2023 at 03:32 #16439
November 17, 2023 at 03:41 #16440
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