Where all the cool wheelchair people hang out
Any image 80 x 80 pixels in dimensions and less than 4kb in file size will work. See your “profile” page “browse” button. You can use a paint program to resize images repo. Goto Start> All Programs> Acessories> Paint. Open and resize your image in there, save as JPG then upload. Cat is great with this stuff.
Foundation Donation
Crossed Heart
Neat !..
Canvas Tent
Line Call (Attach it.. so we can see the full size one cat?)
Book Case (I like it.. is it you?)
Space Craft (nice avatar cat)
Redeemed Voucher
Gif’s are often saved as Indexed Colours or in your case probably Grayscale. Converting it to CMYK uses websafe colours, RGB (red, blue, green) has the best colour range then save as .jpg
If it’s an animated gif use an Animation program like PSP Animation shop and save as a .gif
Umm.. ok.. well.. I guess seing as how you are bursting out of your top!!..
You can cuff me.
Shit you can take my stubbie holder even when yer tits are out. :love:
Ummmm.. NO. I’m already disabled.. Now bend over and take it like a man.
Nope.. don’t need drugs to be happy.. Now bend over.
Ahhh.. Try Ctrl+I Graybags.. :doh:
It’s on channel 9 now.
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