Forum Replies Created
Graham – Admin
KeymasterTest cricket is pretty slow full stop.. lol..
Aussies will kill em.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterOoops!! look.. I just chewed right through Tams checkered bikini top string!!..
Graham – Admin
KeymasterLast I saw she was sitting in the wash tubs with 2 cans of the shaving cream.. said it stops the jelly sticking.
Graham – Admin
Keymaster*yelling from the jelly ring
“Woot Woot! go Macka, Woot Woot! go Macka, Woot Woot!..”
Graham – Admin
KeymasterYou DV8 Tam.
Hey buddy dont swing on the fans!. at least not while they’re going.. get in the bird cage.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterThe Desmo Bar donated all the drinks for tonight so help yourself to the walk-in fridge.
Graham – Admin
Keymaster:edit: Handy Flaming Lamborghini Hint:
I slowly pour the baileys down one side of cocktail glass first. It settles to bottom. light it. straw right in and suck it all up quick. curacao chaser.
A lonnnnng straw lol.. and down she goes.. whoah… :drunk: ello gorrgenous.. *hic
Graham – Admin
KeymasterFlaming Lamborgini it is then. ??
Graham – Admin
Keymaster@sexpistol77 wrote:
Gee Whiz Graybags, with a statement like that, you should audition for “Queer Eye for a Straight Guy”
I know you. You can’t tell me you and your missis aren’t equal.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterNext up Tamster vs Felicity in the jelly wrestling..
Coooorr this ought to be good.. :drool: :))
Here.. let me help you clean up that jelly.. ehehe.. :obsessed:
Graham – Admin
Keymaster2000 + 7999.99
Graham – Admin
KeymasterWell I’m still looking for the perfect woman.. a blind nymphyomaniac who owns a bottleshop. But seriously – look up the term “natural selection” basicly Darwin says ugly people breed with ugly people. Yet we will always admire and strive to be beautiful people. Such is human nature we often only see the flaws in ourselves and beauty in others. Men to generally will always look at the prettiest girl first, I say look but knowing inevitably they will settle with someone of equality.
So when you say you want better or he’s not good enough you are really saying that about yourself. Just realise when he/she chose you he was aiming for the perfect girl all along. He feels you are the best he will ever get.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterHorn Bag
Graham – Admin
KeymasterYAY !!!…
Graham – Admin
Keymaster1999 posts.. ok who wants to light these fireworks ??…
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