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Graham – Admin
Keymaster8 posts to go… party starts tonight. Probably go for 3 or 4 days as usual. lol.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterI put the pole on the stage over there.. next to the human size bird cage.
I’ve got a truckload of cherrys coming, think I’ll dump them on the wheelie ramp out front so we can slide down it.
*takes delivery of 40 cans of shaving cream. (who ordered that?)
Graham – Admin
KeymasterI’ll call my brother he’s a pyrotechnician
Where do you girls want the pole.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterI gave the neighbours tickets to the cinema.
*carries in large box marked handle with care
Graham – Admin
KeymasterStar Sign
Graham – Admin
KeymasterJust the leather and lace for me. I don’t mind if she’s a bit butch.
Just so long as she is really a natural born she.Graham – Admin
KeymasterIt seems adrenalin and lactic acid are related:
” There will usually be some lactate entering the blood even at rest, because adrenalin and noradrenalin are produced in large amounts to compensate for hypothyroidism, and the adrenergic stimulation, besides mobilizing glucose from the glycogen stores, stimulates the production of lactate. The excess production of lactate displaces carbon dioxide from the blood, partly as a compensation for acidity. The increased impulse to breath (“ventilatory drive”) produced by adrenalin makes the problem worse, and lactate can promote the adrenergic response, in a vicious circle..
The idea of the “oxygen debt” produced by exercise or stress as being equivalent to the accumulation of lactic acid is far from accurate, but it’s true that activity increases the need for oxygen, and also increases the tendency to accumulate lactic acid, which can then be disposed of over an extended time, with the consumption of oxygen..”
They go on to say:
” The mere presence of lactic acid can make cells more susceptible to the transformation into cancer cells… [snip] by producing lactic acid “even in the presence of oxygen.” Lactate, a supposedly benign metabolite of the cancer cells, which appears in all the other degenerative conditions, including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, is itself a central factor in the degenerative process.”
Nothing about water but rather oxygen intake. I do have diminished lung capacity as a result of quadriplegia. Some very interesting reading here:
Graham – Admin
KeymasterStatus Hierarchy
Graham – Admin
KeymasterWithdrawal Form
Graham – Admin
KeymasterGo for It Cat… You better draw up some “pro turkey” examples first.
Or the “turkeys” might roast you. ehehe..
Graham – Admin
KeymasterNow they suspect Germain Jackson has AIDS??.. I hate how the media attack their subjects entire family, and dig through their entire history. Give em’ a break.. It’s Michael alone they should be prosecuting.
Graham – Admin
Keymaster2844.45 + 2600
Graham – Admin
KeymasterBank Cheque (2 word meanings, noun verb type words are best)
Graham – Admin
KeymasterWell alot of blokes are turkeys I suppose.. ;)
Graham – Admin
KeymasterActually lactic acid has nothing to do with joints.. or the LIVER!!. So I don’t know where you got or were going with that. It’s in my jaw when I EAT!. Or any muscle during repetitive muscle excercise. Athletes call it “hitting the brick wall”. Sodium Bicarbonate an help.
I did a little research into lactic acid:
“When muscles contract vigorously for long periods the circulatory system begins to lose ground in delivery of oxygen. In these conditions most of the pyruvic acid produced in the breakdown of glucose is converted to lactic acid (LA).
If your lactate threshold (LT) is reached at a low exercise intensity, it often means that the “oxidative energy systems” in your muscles are not working very well. If they were performing at a high level they would use oxygen to break lactate down to carbon dioxide and water, preventing lactate from pouring into the blood. If your LT is low it may mean that:
– You are not getting enough oxygen inside your muscle cells
– You do not have adequate concentrations of the enzymes necessary to oxidize pyruvate at high rates
– You do not have enough mitochondria in your muscle cells
– Your muscles, heart, and other tissues are not very good at extracting lactate from the bloodImproving your Lactate Threshold:
The aim is to saturate the muscles in lactic acid which will educate the body’s buffering mechanism (alkaline) to deal with it more effectively. The accumulation of lactate in working skeletal muscles is associated with fatigue of this system after 50 to 60 seconds of maximal effort. Sessions should comprise of one to five reps (depends on the athlete’s ability) with near to full recovery.” -
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