Forum Replies Created
Graham – Admin
KeymasterHey.. are we still talkin turkey here?.. lol.
Yes.. my Mum is boss cocky to.. :)) j.k.. Ma.. ;)
Graham – Admin
KeymasterSome do like to just watch.. kinky bastards… :twisted:
Graham – Admin
KeymasterDoes that work Mish?. Haven’t had excercises done on my shoulders for years now. Even before hand I always had lactic acid. I heard it’s created in your guts by unspent adrenalin.. then travels to the muscles when working repetitively. I get buggered really quickly.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterIs being a big kid yourself any excuse?. I don’t think so. He is a child abuser.. physicaly we can’t be sure yet.. but mental and emotional abuse is obviously occuring. If he dangled my toddler over a balcony like that I’d punch his lights out.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterYeah nasty roosters don’t last long here. We had an old duck that used to swing the chooks around by their tail feathers. Big bully.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterLeather and Lace eh? *raises eyebrow…
Graham – Admin
KeymasterI dunno If you want to mess with Linda Tamstar..
Looks like she’s a professional at this stuff.. Ahh what the hell.. go get her kiddo!.
Graham – Admin
KeymasterRainbow Effect (ya still going to Melbourne?)
Graham – Admin
KeymasterRudimentary Colours ( hello oncewas )
Graham – Admin
Keymaster3605.03 + 1111.97
Graham – Admin
KeymasterIndex File ( hehe.. just when I thought this thread was gonna DIE!! say la vie )
Graham – Admin
KeymasterHow about:
“Do you have any Aussie in you?.. Would you like some?”
Graham – Admin
KeymasterBumps Topic ( brail trail darl ;) )
Graham – Admin
KeymasterColour Blind
Graham – Admin
KeymasterThat’s great Mish.. maybe you’ll come back to the nursing profession one day. Being a carer isn’t something you ever give up really. I imagine.
Anyone else?..
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