Wheelchair Lovers Dating Paraplegics
We have been dating for about a month now. Our relationship is still as exciting as it was on our first dating paraplegic girls night you may have read about. We have a very open relationship at work now that Jeff is comfortable with dating paraplegics and wheelchair lovers. We have even made friends with other wheelchair couples who are new to dating.
Cindy is a paraplegic girlfriend of mine. I’ve known her for a few years. We met in a social group for disabled women I used to be involved in. Like me, she is a paraplegic in a manual wheelchair, but she retains some feeling in the lower parts of her legs and feet. There is another friend of mine from the same group that is a double arm amputee. She uses prosthetic hooks. I would like to take her out with Jeff and I sometime. Recently, a co-worker Rick, told Jeff he is interested in dating wheelchair lovers. So we set Cindy and Rick up on a double date. Two wheelchair couples means twice the fun!
Rick had often asked Jeff things about wheelchair lovers. He asked if I had any paraplegic wheelchair friends that might be interested in dating. Of course, I knew just the girl. Cindy is very attractive and interested in dating wheelchair lovers. She exercises her legs most every day to keep the muscle tone. She’s had a better head start on that than I did, because she’s only been a paraplegic for a few years after an accident left her paralyzed. She joined the group for support and we became instant friends. She tells me I am brave wearing skirts and dresses all the time with high heels and nylons, showing off my thin legs.

Her legs look great, having not lost much muscle tone due to her regular exercises and therapy. Her doctors say she may even regain some movement, but for now she spends her day’s mobile only through her wheelchair. She always wears pants and very safe tops, even though she has a chest that any man would want to see more of. She has a hard time believing a handicapped girl in a wheelchair can be sexy – so tonight when we go out, she’s agreed to let me chose what she wears! Since we’re the same size, from waist up anyway) I’ve promised her something very sexy from my own wardrobe that is going to cause Rick’s eyes to bulge!
Couples Dating Wheelchair Lovers
So far, we have been on three dates with Cindy and Rick. Rick’s curiosity of wheelchair lovers is paying off. He enjoys dating is new paraplegic girlfriend. He has yet to see Cindy’s legs. He’s been polite; not talking about her disability since he knows it makes her a little shy. And except for a few kisses, there has been no intimacy between them. She has never even been out of her wheelchair when she’s around him. But they make a cute couple and are getting along really well.
Cindy asked me about the leg braces I wear at work, if I like using them and how they feel on my legs. She swears she would never wear them but I’m going to see if I can change that. Of course she couldn’t wear my right one, since my leg is shorter and right shoe smaller for my smaller foot. But my left one is just right I think. I know she wears the same size shoes as I do on my left foot, and the length is right. The only thing may be it fitting too tight around her leg, since my legs are so thin. We’ll just have to see I guess.
So right after work we head to my house in our separate cars. Cindy is used to driving with her hand controls that are just like mine. The only difference is her wheelchair easily collapses so she can load the chair into her car after she gets in. She just has to re-assemble it when she gets where she’s going which only takes a few minutes.
I arrived home first, and when she wheeled up my ramp to my open front door I was still in my braces but using my wheelchair to move around the house. I was still in my skirt and blouse from work, and had my right leg crossed over my left one in my chair. She knew my house well and made herself at home with a drink from the kitchen. I told her I was going to wash up before changing clothes and she could do the same since I have the accessible shower. She went ahead since I still had to take my leg braces off and undress.
Naked Paraplegic Girls Wheelchair Beauty
From my bedroom, I could see her undressing in her wheelchair in my bathroom – lifting her legs to her lap to remove her flat dress shoes, wiggling out of her pants and panties, and taking her blouse and bra off. While I took the straps loose from my braces, I watched her transfer from her chair to the shower chair and pull her legs into the stall behind her. Even though I have to do these things myself every day, it’s still interesting to see how another paraplegic does things. Also, to see another beautiful woman doing them is a treat too. I’m not a lesbian by any means, but I do admire her very attractive body.
So I finished with my braces, and removed my limp feet one at a time from my three-inch pumps. I left the braces on the bed, shoes attached, hoping they would spark interest in Cindy and she would want to at least try them. I didn’t want to push her into anything she wouldn’t be comfortable with but a little secretive suggestion like this wouldn’t hurt!
I laid back and pulled at the waistband of my white pantyhose, sliding them down my thighs leaving my panties on since I had a guest in the house. I sat up and pulled my left leg to my chest to pull the hose off over my thin knee and calf, then off my foot. Same for the right leg and tossed the pantyhose in the laundry. The blouse followed the hose, and I was left sitting in just my bra and panties when I heard the water shut off.
I looked through the hallway to see the curtain slide and Cindy sitting there. She looked embarrassed when she noticed me, not because of her naked wet body sitting there but because she realized she had forgotten to get a towel before getting in the shower. I quickly pulled myself off the bed to my wheelchair and lifted my legs together into the footrests. I grabbed two towels, and laid one in her wheelchair for her and tossed her the other. My bathroom is big, but not big enough for two wheelchairs. So I sat in the hall while Cindy dried and transferred back to her waiting wheelchair.
We made small talk while she pulled her panties from her bag and got ready to pull them on her limp legs, which were crossed in her wheelchair with her towel around her midsection. Like I said, we’re the same size in most respects, so I told her to wait a sec before she put those panties on, I might have something special for her. She started to protest saying it wouldn’t matter, no one will see them but her, but I reminded her of her promise to me.
Sex And Intimacy With Wheelchair Lovers
Cindy longed to be intimate with a man. She had not had sex since becoming paralyzed so she was long overdue. It takes time for wheelchair lovers to build self confidence and be intimate. I promised her tonight was her night. If she would just take a little advice and forget for one night that she was disabled. Sex with paralyzed girls is the same as sex with any girl. I know she likes Rick and he is a confident wheelchair lover. I told her to act like any other date she had ever been on, and let Rick know she likes him. No doubt he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her. I also suggested she come out of her wheelchair to make love. For newly dating wheelchair lovers sex in a wheelchair can be a little tricky.
I told her to come to the bedroom. I had three brand new still in the packs pair of expensive panties that were very, very sexy. A wheelchair lovers delight. One silky white pair, one black pair with some lacy trim, and a bright red pair. All with bras to match I told her. She was playfully protesting, but I knew she was ready for this. She chose the black lacy ones, and slipped the bra onto her large breasts. I told her to get on the bed because there was no way she would get pantyhose on sitting in her wheelchair. She knew I was putting her in a skirt or dress of some kind, but hadn’t given thought to the pantyhose.

“Can’t I just go with my legs bare?” she asked me. I told her how a lot of men like the feeling of pantyhose on a woman’s legs. That clinging nylon, smooth as silk over a wheelchair lovers legs just does something to a man. Add the intrigue of those legs being paralyzed and it’s got to be very exciting for a man who is into dating paraplegic girls.
Experimenting With Leg Braces Dating Paraplegics
Cindy pulled her legs onto the bed and pushed against her wheelchair, sliding her bottom on and pushing her useless legs out across in front of her. Having been a paraplegic only a short while, she was very agile and good at making transfers out of her chair. As she pushed across the bed, her foot came to rest on the metal of my leg braces. “Wow, that’s cold!” she said, referring to the cold steel of my braces against the bottom of her foot. I almost forgot she still has some feeling in her legs and feet, something I have none of.
“How do you really walk in those things, they look so uncomfortable! And those high heels have to be hard to manage too.” I told her with a little getting used to, she could get used to them pretty quick. And they give you more accessibility than a wheelchair does, there are lots of advantages. The shoes, that’s just my preference. I like to look sexy, and Jeff likes them.
“Why don’t you just put one on, and see how it feels on your leg. It’s just the two of us here, you might be surprised.” I told her. She actually said okay, she wanted to see how it felt. She confided she watched me a lot, swinging through my crutches, watching my shorter leg with the buildup, and seeing my left leg drag the ground a little when I swing through. She had watched me many times work the knee locks, and cross my legs in my office chair so she knew how they worked.
I told her to grab the left one, since the right one would be too small for her foot. She positioned herself straight on the bed, and pulled her left leg out straight in front of her. I spun around in my wheelchair to my drawer where I had several new packs of pantyhose. I threw her a suntan pair and she looked at me like “What am I going to do with these?” She opened them and pulled them out, stretching them a little. She told me she wasn’t sure how to put pantyhose on since she has been paralyzed, and she always thought it must be impossible with legs that don’t work.
So I instructed her: “Take one side and just roll them up until you get to the bottom. Pull your leg up to your chest and with your leg between your arms, pull the stocking onto your toes, then around your heel and up around your ankle.” She did these things, sloppily at first but got the nylon around her foot. “Now just let your leg fall while you let the hose out pulling it up your leg.” She did as instructed, and was amazed when she saw she had pantyhose on up past her knee. She did the same with her right leg, and wiggled around until she had both thighs covered. Leaning back, she pulled the top over her black panties and around the waist. She stared in awe at her newly decorated legs.
After a few seconds she told me she could even feel the stretchy nylon around her feet and some of her legs where she had some feeling. I was surprised to see how tightly stretched they were over her legs. I always buy the small size, since my legs are so thin, and my right one a little shorter. My legs don’t come close to filling out a pair of hose, and usually show a few wrinkles where they are loose on my legs. Her tone legs filled them out nicely and kept them smooth from her hips to her feet.
It was time now for her to put the brace on. Cindy laid the brace out beside her leg, and lifted her leg over into the steel cradle of the brace. I ask her if she minded a little help, and went to the end of the bed to help her on with the shoe. Feeling her limp foot in the nylon gave me a jolt of excitement as I put her toes in the high-heeled shoe and pushed her foot the rest of the way in. She had just about finished with the straps, and in a few seconds her leg was rigid from the steel brace.
Standing After Paraplegia With Leg Braces
I was right, the brace was pressing into her leg in some places where her legs are bigger than mine, but just for trying it out they would do fine. I turned for my crutches, and told Cindy to swing her legs to the side of the bed. She pulled her left leg by the brace, and her right one by the knee, and pulled it out over the bed. I locked the knee of the brace for her with her leg outstretched and handed her the forearm crutches. She placed her arms in the crutches and put them to the floor. Slowly she slid off the bed until she was leaning on her left leg. She pulled herself the rest of the way up until she was standing upright, looking great in just her bra and pantyhose, wearing the one brace and letting her other leg hang freely.
Her toes pointed down and dangled above the floor because of the three-inch pump on her left leg. I could see the excitement in her – standing for the first time since her accident. I told her how to take a step, and with caution she put the crutches out in front of her and swung her braced leg to them, letting her right leg dangle behind. Then another step, and another, and soon she was crutching around the bedroom and doing quite well. I told her after she got used to Rick seeing her legs, and watching her move around she could wear my leg brace out one night with him. But for tonight she would use her wheelchair as normal, so she returned to the bed and removed the brace.
Brace off now, we had to get Cindy dressed. I needed to get dressed too, as I was still in my bra and panties. I went to the bathroom and quickly washed off while Cindy and I talked about her shyness and letting Rick see her bare legs, and seeing her outside of her wheelchair where she would have to move her legs with her hands. I told her that it’s something Rick wants to see, and to have some fun with it. Let him help her out of her chair, and move her legs. I told her how Jeff even likes to put my leg braces on and off for me, and how that one time I even let him put my pantyhose on for me.
Dressing to Impress Wheelchair Lovers
I returned to the bedroom, and headed for the closet. I had the cutest red skirt for Cindy, with a too-tight black blouse. The skirt is a little shorter than knee length, and had a slit in one side. Cindy pulled her legs to her, and slipped the skirt over them and up around her waist, adjusting it after it was on – a perfect fit. Then the blouse over her firm, round breasts and she was almost ready. I went through my shoes and found a pair of peep-toe pumps I had never worn. They were both the size of my left foot, so they would fit her feet nicely. She pulled her legs to her chest again and slid the shoes over her feet. She was gorgeous! I had worked magic I thought and I knew Rick would feel the same way.
I pulled her wheelchair to the bed, and she slid off into it. I could see that with just the right movement, her shiny nylon-clad thigh could be seen through that slit in the skirt. She put her legs into the footrests and moved back so I could get to the bed. I had picked a light flowered sundress that hugged my body tightly, nude hose, and these open toed heels with the thin straps.

I was a little self conscious about my feet being seen, I have to be honest, but I was trying to make a point for Cindy that it was all okay to be put out in the open. Cindy watched as I dressed now, commenting on my quickness from being paralyzed my whole life and so used to doing everything without the use of my legs. We were both in our wheelchairs, legs crossed and skirts hiked up just a little when Jeff and Rick arrived.
This was the moment of truth for Cindy – Rick was about to see Cindy’s paralyzed legs for the first time. And great legs they were, I would love to have the muscle tone in my legs that Cindy has in hers. The knock came at the door, and we hollered for them to come in. Jeff came in first, followed by Rick. I could see Rick’s eyes bulge as he saw his beautiful date – more of her this time than he had seen in the past. She smiled at him and gave a little twirl in her wheelchair while he complimented her outfit and stunning appearance.
Wheelchair Couples Disability Dating
We decided on taking separate cars since we had two wheelchairs, and that Cindy and I would drive. Once outside, I watched Cindy make her transfer to her car while Rick stood beside her trying not to look down at her pulling her legs inside. It was amusing really, knowing how badly he wanted to look. Jeff and I shared a little laugh about that. Cindy instructed him on how to break down her chair, and put it in the backseat. Jeff helped me into my car by picking me up out of my chair and putting me in the seat. He loves to do that – he carries me all the time. My chair disappeared into the rooftop lift and we were off to dinner.
Dinner was wonderful – we must have spent two hours at the restaurant talking, and drinking. I noticed Rick whispering to Cindy, then in the next second his hand slide into her wheelchair and rubbing the inside of her leg, just below her skirt. He must have asked if he could rub her leg, and I’m glad she told him he could.
When we left, I got Jeff to drive my car, and he picked me up again and put me in the passenger seat. Rick drove Cindy’s car too, and she made her transfer to the passenger seat, pulling her legs in behind her, only this time, she showed a little bit more of her legs to Rick as her skirt rode up high while she pulled her legs in the car. His eyes were trained on her legs, and she didn’t seem to mind. She was finally starting to become comfortable with her disability around him. And Rick was very happy dating paraplegic girls.
Back at my house I ditched my chair for the comfort of the couch, and pulled the straps loose from my heels, taking them off my feet. Jeff picked my legs up and sat under me, rubbing my calves with his hands. Of course I couldn’t feel his hands on my legs, but knowing his hands were on my legs like that began to arouse me. I could tell Jeff was getting aroused too, but we still had company so our fun would have to wait. I could tell Cindy was still unsure of what to do. I told her to get comfortable on the loveseat across from Jeff and I, and Jeff could put a movie in for us to watch. Jeff slid out from under my legs and headed to the bedroom for a DVD.
Rick offered a hand to Cindy as she transferred her bottom to the couch, and the lifted her legs from the footrests onto the couch and folding them almost under her. Her skirt played its trick again, and I almost felt bad for giving her one with so much exposure to her thighs! Her toes still peeked out from the front of her pumps, and I could tell she was nervous about taking them off in front of her date. Rick had sat beside her, and placed his hand back on her leg.
He wouldn’t dare ask her to remove her shoes, but being cuddled on the couch would seem silly with high heels on, so Cindy began taking them off. She didn’t make a deal of moving her legs much, just pulling the pumps off one at a time, revealing her feet now in just the nylons. She slid back on the couch farther, letting her legs move where they wanted while she kept them together, not wanting to reveal too much of her thighs. Sliding back made her skirt ride up a little farther, making the dark top of her pantyhose peek out under the slit of the skirt. Rick didn’t seem to notice, and she quickly pulled her skirt back into place.
They got comfortable as Jeff returned with the movie, and came to sit back under my legs on the couch. He had turned the lights low and the movie on, and we made the most of the time by pulling a blanket over us so we could rub each other without being seen. I noticed our date partners doing the same, and I could only imagine what Cindy’s naughty hands were doing to Rick under that blanket. Surely she was priming him for what was to come later.
We had already arranged to have the both of them stay with me, in my guest bedroom, for the night, so I wasn’t surprised when they decided to cut the movie short, and go to the bedroom early. Rick ask as he was getting up if she minded if he carried her to the guest bedroom. She obliged, and he took her by the waist, and under her knees and whisked her off down the hallway, the both of them telling us good night while her limp legs flopped a little as Rick walked. Somehow I knew for them, it would turn out to be a good night!
Kristi Eden
I really enjoy these stories, they are very erotic and give me a greater sense of what turns on those who are attracted to women in wheelchairs like me! Thank you for these!
Kristi, your stories are really inspiring and I would love to use you as a role model for a magazine me and a group or journalists are launching.
Basically the magazine is based on Cosmopolitan, but aimed at female wheelchair users over the age of 18. This means it’s more relevant in terms of fitness,health,beauty,bars/clubs/restuarant/hotel/travel reviews and sex, love and relationships.
If you wouldn’t mind talking to me, please let me know. You can email me at [removed].
We would really, really love to talk to you!
Hi Megan, for safety reasons we don’t allow posting personal contact information. Kristi will contact us (admin) if she chooses to accept your invitation thankyou.
nice topic…wheelchair became my wings.
good stories but here in india complete different life for wheel chair users… every one looks at us like useless stuff forget getting a girlfriend…