Heart Attack Grill
Customers wear medical gowns and meal orders are written on hospital style wrist tags. Your waitress is dressed in what they claim to be sexy retro nurses’ uniforms. Customers of the Heart Attack Grill who weigh over 350 lb (160 kg) and consume a quadruple bypass burger not only eat free, they are escorted by one of the sexy waitress nurses to their car (or an ambulance) in a huge wheelchair. Does that sound like a fun night out?
The Heart Attack Grill is a hospital themed restaurant in Dallas, Texas, that has become famous for embracing and promoting a diet of extremely large hamburgers. Customers are referred to as “patients,” orders are “prescriptions,” and waitress are “nurses.” The owners of the artery hardening grease pit promote it as;
Nutritional pornography. — Jon Basso, Heart Attack Grill Founder.
Heart Attack Grill Quadruple Bypass Burger

The Heart Attack Grill website disclaimer reads: “None of the women pictured on our website actually have any medical training, nor do they attempt to provide any real medical services.” Well duh, if you are having a heart attack, why would you go to a greasy hamburger joint? It doesn’t look like any of the waitress / nurses even eat where they work.
The menu includes Single, Double, Triple and Quadruple Bypass Burgers. The Quadruple Bypass Burger has 2 pounds of beef, eight slices of American cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion, all served in a bun coated with lard. That equates to around 8,000 calories (four times the recommended daily calorie intake for women). The massive burger has been listed as one of the;
World’s worst junk foods. — Charlotte Martin, The Sun.
Other menu items include Flatliner Fries (deep fried in pure lard of course), Lucky Strike no filter cigarettes, Pabst blue ribbon beer, tequila, butterfat milk shakes, Jolt, full sugar Coca-Cola, and even candy cigarettes for the kids!
The restaurant has come under fire for its poor portrayal of nurses and promoting bad health. Child welfare groups have also slammed the operators as irresponsible for allowing children into the “adult themed” restaurant. Funny, but we have not yet received any complaints from disability groups about the mis-use of wheelchairs.
Seriously girls stop the abuse of wheelchair armrests and get in the guys lap already. After all, the poor bastard probably hasn’t seen his penis for years and won’t live long after eating at the Heart Attack Grill.
- Heart Attack Grill: HAG, Dallas, Texas
- Wikipedia: HAG
This place is hilarious!
I am serious about this addition to the story: a couple weeks ago, a man was half way through eating one of the large “By Pass Burgers” when what do you think really happened? You guessed it! He started having chest pains, trouble breathing, pain in his arms and all of the other classic heart attack symptoms often seen in men. Other patrons thought it was a staged event and started taking photos until the rather large gentleman made it clear he truly needed medical care. Even though real EMT’s and a real ambulance carried him to the hospital, there was no convincing some patrons it was real. People were still taking photos.
Now to make matters worse: this gentleman is now taking the restaurant to court for damages. He is claiming his “By Pass Burger” gave him a heart attack and he should have been warned of the dangers of eating at this restaurant! Wow! Someone should tell him not to mess with Texans!
Someone once ask me “how can you be so positive, cheerful and have a smile on your face and be happy in a wheelchair?” My answer was, I get to park closer to the building than you do, I don’t mind waiting in line because I brought my own chair and I have some of the most beautiful women opening doors for me and helping me reach items. So put that in your mini-ha-ha and smoke it. Life is so wonderful and I love every minute of it.
the By Pass Burger looks tempting to say the least, pity that many onlookers snapped pics of someones demise rather than aide the man for the case here stated, but comedy comes at someones problems…
Nothing wrong with an adult eating there but a parent allowing a child to eat Heart Attack Grill’s food should result in an automatic visit from Child Protective Services.